Friday, October 30, 2009

GG Spoiler Alert!!!

I always knew I'd die young.

don't let nadia see this

Monday, October 26, 2009

i *heart* semi-automatic weapons

not bad for a first try. apparently, because my `blueprint' is within a hands' width each time, i would make quite the sniper.

amy practices before the show

one of the only times there were fewer than 5 people in my apartment all week.

no comment necessary

in the words of one coworker: `your people certainly know what you like.'

best. birthday. surprise. EVER.

all i knew was that D was taking me somewhere on Saturday for 2 hours. that i should wear comfortable clothes. and that i had to be `lucid.' when Saturday rolled around and i was still recovering Friday night's shenanigans, the `appointment' was rescheduled to today.
THANK GOD. because the first question asked in the RIFLE-SHOOTING CLASS was `is anyone here hungover?'
cannot begin to describe the excitement, the nerves, the adrenaline, the terror, the thrill and the number of weirdos in nyc's pistol & rifle shooting range today.
so what if a spent shell grazed me and i am now left with a bullet-shaped, residue-embedded scar? quite proud of my battle wound, actually.
ramon was the best teacher a newbie could hope for and i now have a 3-month membership to go burn off steam any time i choose.
honestly, felt like a spa. will sleep like a baby tonight, achy shoulder and all.
oh and also, i am an AWESOME shot.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What my girls did for me today

what a way to come into the studio at 7 am.
today is going to be a good day.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

heaven on earth

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

uh oh

Monday, October 19, 2009

NYC Comic Con - Or: How I Can No Longer Be Bothered to Use My Actual Camera

Saturday, October 17, 2009

10 months later

did i mention the HOTNESS?
still too awash in lust and too overwhelmed to say anything particularly witty about the best show i've seen in a long time.
also, after last night, might be time to end the drought.

in my opinion, a cross between Nick Cave and the Flaming Lips. with a little extra seks thrown in.

my BODy's a ZOMbie for YOU

a reason to blog again

despite the hail and sleet pouring down, T and i braved the wintry night to make it into the sold-out show of Dead Man's Bones.
am still GIDDY, the morning after. the hotness in the room was overwhelming at times...including these opening acts. at least, according to T, who chose Mr. Black Shirt above, of the Vocaholics, for `Who Would You Do?'

I, of course, was saving myself for the main show.